
Journalists’ Safety in Georgia

“Journalists’ Safety in Georgia” is a project that monitors violations committed against journalists in Georgia.

Since January 2024, the project has documented actions aimed at obstructing journalists’ work, persecuting journalists based on their profession, and other related activities in Georgia.

Cases of attacks on journalists, harassment, and similar incidents are recorded on a map only if the project team determines that the actions taken against them are connected to their journalistic activities.

The project is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Georgia.

Journalists’ Safety Ahead of the 2024 Elections

According to the study “Journalists’ Safety Ahead of the 2024 Elections” prepared by the “Center for Media, Information, and Social Research,” the free media is operating in the pre-election period under increasing threats.

The study’s findings highlight the difficult experiences that media representatives have faced over the past six months.

ჟურნალისტების უსაფრთხოება 2024 წლის არჩევნების წინ

Promoting Media Freedom and Citizen Participation through Access to Public Information

The project aims to support journalists in carrying out their professional duties by ensuring access to public information.

Additionally, through this project, we seek to raise public awareness about the importance of access to public information.

Initiation of “Agents Laws” in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Diffusion of Authoritarian Regimes and the Russian Playbook

The dissufion of authoritarian regimes and the russian handbook

Disinformation Index of Georgia’s Regions

The 2023 Disinformation Resilience Index of Georgia’s Regions provides interested parties and citizens with insights into the factors that, according to local experts, hinder the resilience of Georgia’s regions to disinformation.

The index is based on four relevant categories for assessing regional resilience to disinformation: resilience of local governments, resilience of politicians and parties, resilience of the information environment, and resilience of society, along with their respective indicators. The index evaluates 11 regions of Georgia on a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 represents the region most vulnerable to disinformation, and 100 represents the most resilient region. All 11 regions of Georgia scored between 42 and 54, indicating that the level of resilience to disinformation is uniformly problematic across the regions and close to the average. In-depth interviews with experts reveal that their perspectives do not significantly differ across regions, as they mainly point to similar challenges. However, some contextual differences also emerge.